Local Comprehensive Planning
The rules and standards for local comprehensive planning in Georgia are established by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), and can be found here.
Communities collecting impact fees must include a Capital Improvement Element (CIE) within their plans, which you can learn about here.
Local plans must be updated every 5 years, or annually if they have a CIE. A list of local deadlines for future updates is shown at the bottom of this page.
Comprehensive Planning
Comprehensive Plans are guides for coordinating development policies and capital improvements to help local governments ensure more efficient and effective paths to achieving their respective community vision. These documents identify critical goals and the action items needed to achieve those goals, helping the community prioritize their resources through more informed decision making. They are also required if a community wishes to be eligible for all forms of State assistance.
GMRC's Local Plan Guidance Document
GMRC's Local Performance Measures
Local Plan Monitoring Meeting Schedule
List of current GMRC Local Plan reviews