Historic Preservation

Preservation Assistance
Preservation Training
HP Commission Assistance
Restoration, Rehabilitation, Consultation, and Design Assistance
Guidance on drafting an HP Ordinance
Developing Design Guidelines
Designation of Historic Properties & Districts (local and National Register)
Guidance on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and how they apply to future Preservation Projects
Information on Preservation Assistance Programs such as Main Street and Certified Local Governments (CLG’s)
Preservation Projects:
Hartwell Historic Resources Survey
Hartwell Design Guidelines
Toccoa Historic Resources Survey
Toccoa Design Guidelines
Cumming/Atlanta Highway Corridor Study
(2019 NADO Award Winner)
Healan’s – Head’s Mill Restoration (Hall County)
Demorest Woman’s Club Rehabilitation Assessment
Dahlonega Design Guidelines
Dawsonville Cemetery GIS Survey
GMRC North Georgia Preservation Training Forum - May 4, 2022
This document includes information on:
Historic Resource Surveys: Identifying historic properties and neighborhoods that make your city or town unique
Local Districts and Overlay Districts: Designating areas that you want to protect
Design Guidelines: What materials should be allowed and what shouldn’t in historic areas
Demolition of historic properties: identifying the appropriate response
Section 106 case studies with HPD review at the state level - how to respond so that economic development can proceed
Q&A and discussion of what works/doesn’t for attendees at the local level
Preservation Resources: HP 101
This document includes information on:
Legal Tools for Municipalities
Preservation Glossary of Terms
Tax Incentives: State and Federal
State and National Preservation Organizations
Historic Preservation Legislation
Publications, Journals and Books
Preservation Partners
GMRC works closely with the Georgia Historic Preservation Division. They are a valuable resource in ensuring a successful project.
Drafting an HP Ordinance and becoming a Certified Local Government (CLG) program participant
Nomination of historic resources to Local Districts and the National Register of Historic Places​
Explanation on the National Register of Historic Places - What it does and does not do
Using/applying for historic preservation tax credits and grants​​​
Conducting a Historic Resource Survey (HRS) for GNAHRGIS (see below for more info)
GNAHRGIS: Georgia's Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources GIS is the HPD’s primary tool in identifying historic resources for preservation planning purposes. The GIS database is an interactive Web-based registry and geographical information system designed to catalog information about the natural, archaeological, and historic resources of Georgia. It contains information about Georgia's archaeological, natural and historic resources. In the GNAHRGIS system, archaeological resources refer to archaeological sites recorded in the Georgia Archaeological Site File. Historic resources include buildings, structures, historic sites, landscapes, and districts included in the Historic Preservation Division's Historic Resources Survey or listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Toccoa Historic Resource Survey

2019 NADO Award presentation to City of Cumming
Healan's - Head's Mill